DIY: Anti-Government Hooker

and the continual war on pants.

    Usually I go though phases taking on an accessory or favorite item for the moment, change it up, and spit it out on to the streets of Montreal. This seasons look takes a hint from this very blogs tag line, " the Real Streetwalkers of MTL".
 Taking style advice from the working girls and pretty woman of the world, like recent contributors to the racy trend, Taylor Momsen, Courtney Love, Sophie Bowels, etc have taken the feminine look of garters, hosiery, fishnets, and lace with masculine street looks. 
It sprouted up on such catwalks of Jean Paul Gaultier (he is being mentioned a lot by us lately eh?) and for those men scared or confused by the look transcending gender norms can try it under slacks as sexy socks or use the garters as an old man would to hold up your socks.

If like me you do not have any money, can't find a proper fetish store for garters, or hate spending money on expensive hosiery that runs within one night out  take these simple steps to whorifying your evening:

1. Take a trip to the dollar store and pick up hose, fishnets, or socks

2.Don't ease into them the more distressed the better

3. Take an over sized blazer, a big button down, an over sized shirt, extra long tank etc

4. Wear booty shorts, underwear, or something more racy underneath for the brave

5. Take regular suspenders and attach to the frontal sides of your waistband and let fall through your 'pants' until it reaches your socks or wear over your shoulder and through your pants for thigh highs

6. Accessorize, take a few shots, and go

7. Tell anyone who tells you to put on pants, how much?, or any other jealous comments to FUCK OFF